Tag Archives: authors

Quilt Artist to Word Artist

What happens when your brain has “quilt overload?”


Sometimes a quilter just needs to take a break from quilting. A break from planning, cutting, and stitching. We need to get away from the sewing room, for just a bit. Completely away, no quilt meetings, no quilt magazines. What do we do when we need that break?


Now there are several authors who write books with quilts in them. They are good books, in fact I will be reviewing some of them later this summer. However, for something completely different, a book that is pure enjoyment, allow me to introduce Mariam Kobras, former quilt artist turned word artist.

I told someone the other day that  my review could be short, sweet and simple, “It’s a good book, buy it and read it.”


Unfortunately, that doesn’t make for much of a blog post, or tell you anything about the book.  Naomi Carlsson is a “poor little rich girl” in one sense, but she is so much more. Her parents own the world-famous Carlsson Hotels and she is expected to take over the running of them.

Yeah, right. Remember when you were eighteen? Did you have dreams? Did they coincide with what your parents, or society thought you should do? What did you do? WAITING FOR A SONG is Naomi’s story of growth, and independence.

Everyone expected her to become engaged today. After all, it is her eighteenth birthday and her soon-to-be fiance has been waiting years for her to be old enough. Except, she’s not sure she wants to marry him, and there is not a crown prince available for her. Which is a good thing, since she doesn’t want to marry a prince either.

Naomi isn’t the demure little thing her parents and future husband, Seth want to make her into. When Seth, knowing she loves to ride, gives her the gift of a horse, a pedigree Arabian, it reinforces Naomi’s idea that he isn’t the man for her. Especially since her favorite mount is a stallion Apollo. She thinks the Arabian looks like a puppy and has no interest in it. Shouldn’t the man she marries know her and understand her love of Apollo, and how she would view the difference between the two horses?

The horse issue is one more piece of evidence that those who profess to love her don’t know her and only view her as possession, something valuable and needing to be safe guarded at all costs. She feels as though she’s bound with golden shackles, and smothered in loving protection Naomi is her own person and knows her own mind. From riding Apollo and feeling the wind in her hair to following her dream of song writing Naomi begins to find her way out of the maze of concern and protection her parents have hidden her in.

WAITNG FOR A SONG, is Naomi’s story. It’s more than a romance, it’s more than a coming of life story. It is a story we are all know and have experienced to some degree. It is also a bit of a fantasy, imagine running away from  home in style, aboard a jet plane and having the opportunity to see some of your fantasies come true.

Would you take that chance? Would you leave behind all that is familiar to you for the adventure of the unknown?

Unlike most books that are part of a series, WAITING FOR A SONG, which is Mariam’s fourth book (I think, I’ve lost track,) stands on its own and does not need the previous books to be understood, or enjoyed. Although, if you haven’t read the earlier books, now you will want to.

Photo on 5-2-14 at 4.37 PM #3


For a change of pace, take a break from quilting and read the entertaining works of quilt artist turned word artist, Mariam Kobras.


Mystery Tour

Finding new authors we enjoy can be a challenge. For authors, finding new readers can be a challenge. Eleven mystery writers are working together to help both reader and writer with a blog tour.

They all write mysteries, and a little more.  Whether you’re a mystery fan or not, I think you’ll enjoy meeting these ladies and some of their characters. If you’re not careful, they may make a mystery fan out of you. They’ve done it before.They are:

Sharon Ervin – , Sharon generally writes mysteries, although sometimes she changes it up and writes romantic suspense, or even women’s fiction. Her blog is, simply, Sharon Ervin’s Blog

Jackie King –   Jackies has written romance novellas, a devotional book, and a mystery. You can read about all things Jackie at her blog, Cozy Mysteries and Other Madness.

Jean Henry Mead – In addition to her mystery/suspense writing Jean also writes for children, western historicals and is a photojournalist. Her blog is:  Mysterious Writers.

Vivian Zabel – Vivian is a publisher at 4RV Publishing (and it only took me a year to figure out what 4RV stood for, hint, it’s not Recreational Vehicle) as well as former teacher, poet, and author. Her blog is: Brain Cells and Bubblewrap 

Marilyn Meredith – She writes, a lot. In addition to her two series’, including the Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery series, she also flexes her writing muscles when a subject attracts her interest. Her blog is,Marilyn’s Musings.

Jennifer DiCamillo – Another cross-genre writer. Jennifer writes all types of mysteries, cozy, humorous, and hardboiled. Not to mention the fact she’s an award-winning poet and playwright. Her blog is, Writers Help.

Mary Martinez – Mary writes  romance and mystery, which,  leads to romantic suspense. Her blog is simply, Mary Martinez. Of course, she does invite you to site in the garden with her.

Pat Browning – A former journalist turned mystery writer, and so much more, there isn’t room to tell all about Pat and her writing. However, you can check her out at her blog, Mornings at Noon.

Marja McGraw– According to her blog, Marja writes mysteries with a little humor, a little romance, and, of course, a little murder. Check out her blog, Marja McGraw’s Blog.

Beth Anderson– Beth is a crime writer who started with romance with a corporate mystery. She quickly moved into writing mainstream mystery/thrillers. You can learn more about Beth and her books on her blog, Chicago Crimewriter  Beth Anderson  

Anne K. Albert– Anne says she writes mystery and romantic suspense stories that “chill the spine, warm the heart, and soothe the soul.” She has two blogs, the Muriel Reeves Mystery Blog, where she has a give-away going on, and her main blog, Anne K. Albert blog, where the tour is taking place. that: 

I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. No worries though, when you check out these authors you’ll undoubtably meet others. Enjoy