About Nita

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I hated that question then and I’m not overly fond of it now. What do I want to do? What do I want to be?

So far I’ve been published in three books, DEVOTED TO QUILTING and  DEVOTED TO QUILTING 2, which combines my love of quilts, and quilting with writing and meditation. I also have a story in the anthology, ROMANCE THE SPICE OF LIFE. It looks like I’m making progress as a writer

I give speeches and presentations so that aspect is growing. In fact I’m a member of Toastmasters and practice speeches on a regular basis.

Quilts have been a part of my life since before I was asked that dreaded question, “what do you want to be?” I’ve been making them most of my adult life. The quilting aspect of my life is progressing.

It looks like they will all three be part of who I am.

What about the blog? What will it be about? It started as a newsletter to those interested in my writing and/or quilting life. Well, that was the idea, I don’t think it ever accomplished that goal. And, it probably won’t, it seems to be evolving into something else. What, I’m not

By the way, the answer to that question, what did I want to be when I grew up, was “A Momma.”

Sadly, that was NOT the answer the adults wanted to hear. Later, I learned to say I wanted to be a nurse. This made the adults in my life happy because, “oh good, she wants to actually be SOMETHING.” Well, they were wrong, I was right the first time. I didn’t want to be, and wasn’t a nurse, I wanted to be a Momma. Being a momma is being SOMETHING and I enjoyed my time as one. Now my children are grown and I’m a grandma, but that’s not a full time gig.

So, now what do I want to be, quilter, writer, speaker? While I’ve answered the question for me, my poor little blog is still undecided. Sometimes it’s about one or the other, and sometimes it combines them all in one.

Come along and quilt with me, let’s see where the stitches take us.

4 thoughts on “About Nita

  1. hafong

    Our lives are indeed a patchwork of stuff. I’ve been a nurse but not a mama except to my fur baby. Does that count? I’ve made just one quilt in my life time but it is a beauty. 🙂


  2. Marny

    Chanukah fabric would also be good! I like your idea. Thank you.

    gmack, how wonderful to have your grandmother’s quilt tops – and that you finished them and then gifted them to other family members!

    A few years ago, the quilt guild had a project and I decided to give it my best shot as a beginner. I made the little wall hanging (food theme) and it looked good hanging with the others at the show. It was a labor of love.

    My daughter visited and said she loved my piece — so I gave it to her. A couple of years later, she let me know her dog chewed it — and it was damaged. I told her to send it to me to see if it could be restored.

    She never sent it – and I can guarantee you that she threw it away.

    My mom and grandmother didn’t do hand work of any kind so even the spoon from my grandmother is precious to me – as are any things my mom had in her home that she enjoyed. That includes the ceramic lighted tree and tatted edged hankies that friends made for her.

  3. gmack

    When my grandmother died she left many pieced tops. As young mother and my husband was to be away from home 3 months, I decided to brave the job of quilting these works left to my family. My husband made me a frame of 4 1″ x 3″ x 8 ft boards and I added a strip of material to pin the tops to. With 4 C clamps. I had a very inexpensive frame and went to work. Placing them on the back of dining room chairs when quilting and up against wall when stored. These were distributed among the family members.

    1. Nita L. Beshear Post author

      qmack, thanks for stopping by and sharing your story. I’m sure your family members treasure those quilts especially as they were started by your grandmother and finished by you. I love hearing these stories they are so precious. Thanks again.


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