Tag Archives: ornament

Burlap Tree Ornament

burlap Christmas tree


To celebrate my return to blogging and regular time with needle and thread, either at the machine or by hand, I am taking the challenge of making one thing a day.

Last year I had a plan, goal, resolution (?) to make a Christmas ornament each month. That would have given me ten ornaments by Thanksgiving, allowing my grandkids a choice of which one they wanted.

Sounds good, right? Didn’t happen. At all. Not even one ornament got made last year.

This year, I had good intentions and renewed the plan. An ornament a month was still a good goal.

Except. Here it is February and no ornaments in the box. In fact, most of January was spent working on converting the big bedroom into a sewing room. The new sewing room is now  usable, if not finished and I can find the fabric I want to use (at least most of the time).

It just so happens that for the last few years, there has been a February challenge called, THING A DAY. No, I wasn’t good about posting, or even making a thing every day. However, hope is eternal and this was to be the year.

Uh-huh. Today is February 4, and so far just one ornament. But, hey, it’s a start. The little burlap tree might be too big to use as an ornament. I’m sure I’ll find some way to use it come Christmas, in the meantime, it’s a start on one of my goals, to sew or craft every day


Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas?

Do you make Christmas gifts or ornaments?

Did you receive any custom-made (hand-crafted) gifts last year?