Tag Archives: party strength

Never Enough – Always Enough

It’s Friday. Time to link up with Lisa Jo and all the nice folks at The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. A time to write, unstructured, no editing or rewriting for five minutes on a word. Today’s word? Enough

Start 5:25

Just one more year, month, week, day, hour, minute I begged. Just give us a little more time together. Time to finish our dreams. Time to love. Time to fight.  We hadn’t had enough time I argued.

It wasn’t to be. It was time for him to go home.  There was no more time for us.

Now, I needed strength. Strength to plan his good-bye party. Strength for our little grandsons who didn’t understand why their Bear was gone. Strength for our children who now had only one parent. Strength for myself to get through the day, weeks, months, years ahead without him by my side. I didn’t have enough strength to do it all, to do any of it.

But, God had more than enough love, strength and caring to give me. Sometimes he gave it to me in the form of our grandsons who made me laugh, just by being there, or the additional grandchildren He sent to add cheer to our lives. Sometimes the strength came from my children, who cried for our loss with me, then helped me with chores, who now call, just to talk. Sometimes it came in the form of friends, who called at just the right time, or came over to help with tasks. He even sent me new friends to help. He gave me people in my life to help me celebrate the good times too.

Next week will mark what should have been our anniversary. I keep wondering if I’ll have enough courage, and ability to get through the day. No need to worry. God has it covered. He’ll be there for me, holding me up, getting me through the day, sending people to help.

I may not have enough of anything, but God has enough of everything.


There you go. Me, unedited. Well, except for spell-check, my fingers don’t always go to the right keys so I do check for the most obvious typos. 🙂

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